The Best Dang Trail Snack Around!

Alright, you peak bagging, health nuts...this recipe doesn't have bacon or booze in it.  It does, however, elevate your granola game to epic status. 
Fill up the Camelbak, lace up yer boots, and let's make the best dang trail snack around!
*recommended soundtrack: "Be Healthy", Dead Prez
  • 4 Tablespoons butter, melted (sub coconut oil = dairy free)
  • 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/4 Cup Tree Heat Maple🍁
  • 1/4 Cup maple syrup...sub Tree Heat if you want full 🔥🔥🔥 
  • 4 Cups rolled oats
  • 1 1/2 Cups pepitas
  • 1/4 Cup sesame seeds
  • 1 Teaspoon salt
  • 1.  Pre-heat oven to 325.
  • 2.  Toss all ingredients together.
  • 3.  Spread out on a lined sheet pan.
  • 4.  Toss it in the oven, stirring every 10 mins or so until golden brown 
  • 5.  Let the granola cool, and add a cup of dried fruit.
  • 6.  That's it!  Unless you have more cool stuff in your pantry...toasted coconut, different dried fruits, seeds, or nuts.  Channel your inner Squirrel and get snackin!
  • 7.  Don't forget to put the granola in your fanciest Mason Jar and prominently display it in a common space so all your friends know how freakin' healthy and industrious you are!